
Fire Sprinkler Design: An Illustrated Guide for AHJ's [BOOK]

After twelve years in the fire service and ten years of writing on fire prevention and fire protection topics, there are a handful of sprinkler design elements and questions that continue to show up. This book is not intended to be an exhaustive or fully comprehensive manual on fire sprinkler design, rather it is a brief guide that serves to answer the most commonly seen questions regarding fire sprinkler systems and design. Often times, reading the codes and standards language as written can be somewhat confusing. Our attempt in this manual is to provide clarity on a selection of these complicated design rules. Always, the main goal being a better educated fire protection professional to promote fire protection and life safety.

It has been my great privilege to partner with the premiere fire protection engineering author and illustrator, Joseph Meyer. His drawing and illustration talents bring a fresh dimension to the fire protection system design principles we want to share in these pages. Through the combined efforts of our written content and Joe’s illustrations we hope to bring a better understanding to the art of fire protection and sprinkler design.

Learn the most critical design elements related to:
  • Documentation and installation requirements
  • Obstructions, discharge patterns, and construction features
  • Storage protection, occupancies, and commodity classifications
  • Small spaces and the “small room” rule

An illustrated guide for fire sprinkler design. Create better educated fire protection professional for the promotion of fire protection and life safety.