In December I launched my second annual reader survey. This survey is meant to, ultimately, serve the reader. It is through this survey that I can know who you are and what type of information is most valuable to you. I am then able to create the content that you want.
Some of the questions that were on this years survey included:
- Do you work within the private or public sector?
- What industry do you work in?
- What do you need ongoing support for?
- What is the #1 challenge in your business today?
"Original" survey crew - US Geological Society |
By collecting and analyzing your responses to these questions (and a few others), I was able to find answers to the following 5 questions:
- Who are you? You, the participants of this site, are evenly made up of private and public sector personnel. As many of you work within municipal fire departments as work for private companies and organizations.
- What do you do? All industries have a need for fire protection and life safety professionals. Some specific industry sectors that were options included: industrial, manufacturing, aviation, educational, and facilities management. However, the two top professions that you are part of is, municipal fire departments (fire inspectors, fire officers, firefighters), and fire protection/life safety consultants.
- What is your biggest challenge? Some of the biggest challenges stated had to do with manpower, finances, and communication. But the common response was the need for quality and effective training for personnel and community/client education.
- What specific training do you need? The training most requested is explanation and in-depth education of specific codes and standards, and resources and guidance on new construction and plans review.
- How often do you want to hear from me? You would not mind to get an update or e-mail from me once a week.
What does this mean for you? will continue to provide great (and improved) content for the fire protection/life safety industry. My posts and products will be more focused on the needs of municipal fire prevention personnel, and individuals within the consulting industry. I will write more about specific codes and standards, systems and processes, guides and checklists; and will write less about career development and leadership topics. I will also be providing this content by utilizing different mediums, instead of a blog only, I will be adding a podcast, video content, and interviews.
If you participated in the survey, thank you for taking the time to do that. I consider it a gift.