
Preserving Main Street: Fire Protection for Historical Buildings and Cultural Resources

By SebasTorrente - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0
Historical buildings or structures, deemed so by local, state, or national preservation organizations, are to be protected by the provisions of NFPA 914, Code for Fire Protection of Historic Structures. Culturally significant items and collections such as those found in museums, libraries, or churches are to be protected by the provisions of NFPA 909, Code for the Protection of Cultural Resource Properties — Museums, Libraries, and Places of Worship. These are two standards that may not regularly be encountered by jurisdictional fire inspectors, but instead, are in the realm of the special experts who are charged with the care and maintenance of these historical buildings and cultural collections.

Boston University produced this training video to raise awareness of fire risks to cultural properties and to provide technical information about fire detection and suppression systems including sprinklers, gaseous agents, and water mist. Also shown are examples of institutions that have sensitively installed appropriate devices.