In the chapter titled, "The Future Is Brighter Than You Think", Tony shares several current developments (in various sectors) that are evidence of a brighter, better, smarter, future. A future filled with wonderment, a future worth being around for.
The most amazing technology that he shares is a medical device called "the skin gun". Statistics show that every ten minutes in America an individual suffers a significant burn injury. The process of healing burns, and applying skin grafts is long, painful, and often met with unsatisfactory results. The "skin gun" changes everything!
With the skin gun, healthy cells are harvested and cultured. The stem cells are then applied to the burned area with the spray gun. Within just 2 or 3 days the burned area is completely healed, with virtually no scarring.
"The world we live in today is a place of everyday miracles, and change is happening so fast that sometimes we don't even notice it." -Tony Robbins