
WNYF - 5 Take Aways from 1st/2016 Issue

WNYF - With New York Firefighters is the official training publication of the FDNY.  This publication should be required reading for any fire service professionals that are serious about their job, careers, and professional development. The quality, relevance, and applicability of the articles is first-rate.  The magazine is zero advertising, no frills, all training content.  The featured fire calls, recurring columns, and FDNY section profiles, provide administrative and operational insight that can be applied to your own operation. 

The magazine recently started publishing in a digital format, as well as, print. They also have started two additional publications, ProEMS and ProFIT.  To subscribe or receive more information go to,

5 Takeaways from WNYF 1st/2016

1. This issues marks the 75th anniversary of the WNYF publication. The 1941 issues featured a story about FDNY firefighters sent to England to learn tactics from the London Fire Brigade as they were undergoing German airstrikes.  The FDNY was thinking ahead in a big way, to ensure that the citizens of New York City would receive the highest levels of protection.  What are our departments doing and learning from others around the world?  Are we taking all the steps necessary to provide our citizens the highest levels of care?

2.  There are three activities that FDNY firefighters engage in to ensure readiness and preparedness for fires in mega-high-rise structures: fire inspection data/information, 90-day familiarization drills, and multi-unit drills.

3.  Recommended resource for fire department response to building collapse, Collapse of Burning Buildings: A Guide to Fireground Safety, by Vincent Dunn.

4.  To prioritize and manage a collapse operation, the acronym SCLUFS can be used:
     S - signal - request all necessary resources and units
     C - command post - establish command
     L - life - account for all affected individuals
     U - utilities - shut down and control utilities
     F - front - manage street and apparatus placement and access
     S - sectoring - establish sectors and assign sector supervisors

5.  FDNY utilizes a 10-step plan for all technical rescues:
  • Preparation
  • Response
  • Assessment
  • Hazard control
  • Support operations
  • Gaining access
  • Disentanglement
  • Packaging
  • Removal
  • Termination
You can subscribe now and get instant access to the digital edition, and back issues at

Read other WNYF Takeaway posts --> WNYF - With New York Firefighters (3rd/2015)