Illustrated Solutions for Common Sprinkler Design Issues
Answers to the most common questions and concerns for fire sprinkler system design.
This book is not intended to be a comprehensive manual on fire sprinkler design, rather it is a brief guide that serves to answer the most common questions and concerns regarding the design of fire sprinkler systems. This book provides the fire plan reviewer or inspector with easily accessible answers to the most important questions for approval and acceptance of a fire sprinkler system.
- Does the structure require a fire sprinkler system?
- Is the occupancy and commodity properly classified?
- Are plastics properly identified and protected?
- Does the rack storage need in-rack sprinklers?
- Will there be any obstructions to the discharge pattern?
- How are the cloud ceilings protected?
- What is the "small room" rule?
This book is written by Aaron Johnson from, and illustrated by Joseph Meyer from,
An illustrated guide for fire sprinkler design. Create better educated fire protection professional for the promotion of fire protection and life safety.