
Sun Tzu and the Art of Fireground Leadership

The Art of War by Sun Tzu is the oldest military work in existence.  Written in 500 BC, this ancient text on military tactics is still studied by today’s warriors.  The principles for victorious warfare laid out by Sun Tzu can also be applied to fire service leadership and fireground tactics.  Sun Tzu and the Art of Fireground Leadership breaks down the content of Art of War into four key principles required for fire service success - preparation, responsibility, tactics, leadership.

Fireground Leadership presents the ancient principles that must be applied for victory in any battle, demonstrates how these relate to today’s modern fire service, and provides practical guidance on the applying these principles to achieve fireground success.

Sun Tzu and the Art of Fireground Leadership enables the reader to understand the principles of ancient victorious warriors and teaches how to apply them to practical fire service leadership and fireground strategies!

The book is available in Kindle and print versions from Amazon,

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About the Author
Aaron Johnson has more than a decade of fire service experience and holds multiple fire service certifications.  Aaron began his career as an aircraft rescue firefighter moved to driver/operator, then transitioned into fire prevention. He currently serves as Fire Marshal for Rural/Metro Fire in south Florida. Aaron regularly speaks at industry conferences and has authored more than 400 articles, blog posts, and books.

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